

We finally made it!

We slept on the flight for the entire 8 hours. Joe and I drank a bunch of Nyquil. It was an Italian holiday the day we got here, so we just visited with family and ate lots. We took an overnight train that night to southern Italy. It took 11 hours and was so uncomfortable! The train was super smelly. We bought are tickets back to Roma yesterday and paid more for a better cart. Joe and I have our own car, so we don't need to listen to Ross snore. I was so nervous he was having a heart attack in his sleep I couldn't sleep. I also thought Joe was going to hit him. We are heading back Sunday for the wedding.

Yesterday we finally made it to Plati. Joe took me to visit his grandmother and we drove up the mountain. Tons of sheep and crazy people. We are actually staying in Bovalino with Ciccio who stayed with Joe and I for three months this past fall. I don't think anyone works here. Right now it is the middle of the afternoon and everyone is just sitting around with us. They think it is crazy that I actually work and had to take time off...I can barely stand it and have already emailed a bunch.

Just now we had octopus pasta at Joe's cousins. I love seafood, so it was good, but it is completely black. Joe was so excited to have it because it is one of favorite things to eat in Italy and hasn't had it for years.

The coca-cola, coffee and cream cheese all taste the same, but the homemade pasta, bread and sweets are amazing.

I have so many more stories, but they will have to wait.

Mom, Maria and I have already decided we are coming again soon with you, but travelling north to Florence. Maria has been watching everyone cook to get ideas for back home. She tell you all she learned soon. I miss you MOM! Tell the kiddies I say hello and print this out for dad.

Ciao, Ciao,

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