
More random things...

Ever since I did my 25 random things, I keep thinking of more...
26. Like how I am deathly afraid of karoake. I seriously cannot even step foot into a bar or restaurant where karaoke is taking place. I get so nervous for the idiots up on stage that I want to throw up. In college, I was in a sorority and we had to sing songs during rush and seriously wanted to quit just so I didn't have to sing. I can hear them saying to all of us that we have to harmonize or something...WHAT THE HELL DOES HARMONIZE MEAN? Seriously, I am starting to get pissed just thinking about it because not only did I have to sing, I had to where white in the winter. Seriously...that was so stupid. I now have anxiety. Damn it.

27. When I am upset, I for some reason sit in my laundry basket. I have done this since high school and then my friend Gina use to make fun of me because I did it in college and then awhile back I accidently ran Joey's truck into my Honda and I was so upset that I went and cried in our laundry basket. He was mad at me, but didn't know what to say because he was so freaked out by the crying and the sitting in the laundry basket that he just let it go. There is no rhyme or reason to this except that I am super strange.

28. I wish I was funny. Like super funny. Like John Stewart or Colbert funny. I have a friend Horseradish and he is THAT funny. I know for a fact that some day he will be famous because he is so frickin' funny. When he makes it big, he said I could be his personal assistant. So at least if I am not the funny guy, I am at least "Special Assistant to the Funny Guy." That will be my title too. I'll try to be more funny on the blog, but it is impossible because what I think is funny no one else does, AND I can never get a joke right. However, Horseradish and I do a great interpretive dance and it really is funny. That is how I think we will start his show every night. So even though I am not funny enough to be on the show...I can at least do my dance which would be a requirement as "Special Assistant to the Funny Guy. " Horseradish calls me Medusa because of my hair. NOT FUNNY!

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